If the middle finger is curved then it takes their thinking and planning into a bit of a depressive side. These people remember again and again sad memories (such as ‘why did it happen?’, ‘why did he do it?’, ‘why couldn’t I do that?’ and so on). They start thinking of the negative result of whatever they’re planning. They often start thinking about what other people would say if I said it, what I would answer and so on. This way they make a whole story to feel sad about (this is the first sign of depression). If the middle finger is zigzag (a rare sign) it means that this person is using all of his thinking and planning in a very negative way for destruction and conspiracy. Maybe he is planning to kill himself, or maybe others. Either way, it is a real bad luck sign. In ancient palmistry it was said that this person would commit suicide. Straight Middle finger is the best one and it suggests that the subject has a progressive view of the life i.e. he lives mostly in present.
This is the only finger that can stand alone comfortably so this is the finger that tells the capacity of the individual to stand alone. You will see the statues of great leaders (who gave directions to the society) with the index finger up. And I remember that this is the finger my teachers and parents used for teaching me, and even to dominate me and to give me orders. This finger shows the ambition, pride, ego, dominance, capacity to lead and management skills. It is worth noting that this list is not exhaustive since anything similar can be included. If we read this list carefully, we will see that these are not entirely different and disconnected things. For example, pride and ego are the same but with the difference of degree and direction. In the same way leadership, management skills and dominance are the result of same desire (i.e. desire to rule) and you can say that ambition is not very different from this. Every one of us has an index finger so everyone has all of these qualities; the only difference is the degree of these qualities. An index finger of the same length as that of the ring finger is average. Others say that an index finger that reaches two thirds of the length of the nail phalange of the middle finger is of average length. This suggests a normal eagerness to rule and be listened. (Rule 1: Here we can understand that a long finger increases the qualities of the finger and they come more strongly in character. In the same way, a small finger decreases the qualities of the finger. This is the rule for all of the fingers). So logically a long index finger denotes higher ambition, higher self-respect and a desire to be in leading and dominating positions where they can feel proud of themselves. A long index finger shows the tendency to rule and dominate others in all spheres of life. These people can prove to be good managers but sometimes a bit arrogant too. Too long an index finger makes one a dictator. People with a small index finger lack the leadership skills and have less ego and pride. The good thing is that they don’t have an ego problem and are not very dominating, but the bad thing is they also have a lack of ambition and leadership skills. They need someone to push them forward otherwise they want to hide behind others. If the length of the finger tells the degree of qualities possessed, then the shape of the finger also suggests the direction in which these qualities are being taken. (Rule 2: A straight finger tells that these qualities and desires are going in the right direction i.e. the person is using them in a positive way. A curved finger tells that there is a bit of a wrong direction for these qualities and desires. A zigzag finger tells that these qualities are being taken in a very negative way). A curved index finger tells that person is satisfying his ego by talking about himself. He will tell his friends and others “You know I am very emotional person, I can’t see any one weeping. I gave that much money in charity. I can understand what everyone wants from their face only…” and so on. Now why is he doing this? Because he wants appreciation for his talents and work. No one is telling him that he is good so he does it himself. This is a way of satisfying the ego. It is funny that many of us do it unknowingly. If you have this type of finger that curves towards middle finger, then watch yourself or ask your close friends. A zigzag index finger tells that the desire of leadership makes a dictator type of person who wants to rule and dominate. Arrogance starts coming and they can’t bear anyone giving them directions. They also like to be flattered. Shining Pink Nails: - This is the sign of a good health. It also tells excitement and hope in the individual.
Red Nails: - Sometimes nails appear to be dark pink with a tint of red. It points to high blood pressure and can also tell of an angry, hot temper. White Nails: - White nails result from a lack of blood supply to the finger nails. This is caused because of anemia and makes an anxious and nervous nature, showing hastiness. Yellow Nails: - This is the first warning signal of a poor stomach and weak liver. It also tells about infections carried by water such as Jaundice. People who drink or smoke regularly also get yellow nails. Blue Violet Nails: - Sometimes nails appear to be a bit bluish at the base. It points to a lack of oxygen in the blood. It also points to stress and low spirits. Sometimes this also reveals some emotional problem in the very recent past. Women generally have bluish nails in periods and they also feel sadness and low spirits. Small white semi-circles on the base of nails hint at good health. However, big semi-circles or absence of semi-circles tell irregularity of blood pressure and the thyroid gland. In those cases people don’t sleep well in nights and have a tendency to either put on a lot of weight or even after eating a lot they don’t grow in weight. (Soft hands combined with no semi circles in most of the finger nails tell hyper secretion of thyroid. These people even after eating a highly nutritious diet don’t carry much weight. These people also have low blood pressure.) 3/17/2015 2 Comments Emotional and Psychological Trauma If any horizontal lines can be felt on the nails of a hand (even if these are very faint), they tell of an emotional trouble in the recent past. Sometimes these lines (like dents) look to be coming up (convex) and sometimes they look a bit spoon like (concave). They are generally found very clearly in the thumb nails. They tell some emotionally troubling event in the recent past. Sometimes we really feel a strong hollow in the thumb nail. It indicates a traumatic event (like divorce, death of a relative or the loss of a job). Hand nails change completely in six months, so if these ridges last for more than six months it means that the person is still experiencing the pain of that event. These horizontal lines and dents can be felt most easily on thumb nails.
3/14/2015 0 Comments Tendency of Vata Problems in Nails Nails are made up of vertical and horizontal ridges (lines). If you see your nails in light then at some angle you can see fine vertical lines. As long as one can see them but not touch and feel them it’s fine. But if in a person’s hand these vertical lines can be felt by touch, it tells joints pain (Vata troubles), arthritis and pain in other body parts. Generally you’ll find these vertical lines in the hands of old people who already have these troubles but sometimes young people also have these lines. They are very likely to develop these troubles in coming years. They’ll also tell you that when they move, their body joints make sounds.
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