1/23/2015 1 Comment Nails Reveal Emotional ProblemsIf any horizontal lines can be felt on the nails of a hand (even if these are very faint), they tell of an emotional trouble in the recent past. Sometimes these lines (like dents) look to be coming up (convex) and sometimes they look a bit spoon like (concave). They are generally found very clearly in the thumb nails. They tell some emotionally troubling event in the recent past. Sometimes we really feel a strong hollow in the thumb nail. It indicates a traumatic event (like divorce, death of a relative or the loss of a job). Hand nails change completely in six months, so if these ridges last for more than six months it means that the person is still experiencing the pain of that event.
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Nails are made up of vertical and horizontal ridges (lines). If you see your nails in light then at some angle you can see fine vertical lines. As long as one can see them but not touch and feel them it’s fine. But if in a person’s hand these vertical lines can be felt by touch, it tells joints pain (Vata troubles), arthritis and pain in other body parts. Generally you’ll find these vertical lines in the hands of old people who already have these troubles but sometimes young people also have these lines. They are very likely to develop these troubles in coming years. They’ll also tell you that when they move, their body joints make sounds.
The shape of a hand or palm is an important aspect as it tells how carefully a person does anything. Here we measure the length of palm from the first bracelet line to the base of the middle finger. Width is taken horizontally from one side to the other. A 20% difference is natural between the length and breadth of the hand. For example if the length of the palm is 10cm and the width is 8cm, we will call it normal. However, if the length is 11cm and the width is 8cm, the difference will be of 30% and the hand will be narrow. A wide hand is one with 10cm length and 9cm width. Now we will discuss them separately. Narrow Palm: - Also called long hand. Narrow hand means quality and fineness. People with narrow hands work in small parts. They focus only on the small parts of task and only after doing it well, they look further. They love details and fineness. They can keep working on a single task without any care for time. What they are concerned with is how perfection can be brought to their work. They love their work to be appreciated as they always put their heart into it, to make it the best every single time. Artists playing musical instruments, singers, painters and anyone doing fine work such as designing, jewellery making or any such task have long hands. Moreover, people with narrow hands are better at performing mental tasks rather than physical tasks. But narrow hands alone do not promise to make someone an artist or musician, but a perfectionist in any job. Wide Palm: - These people like to do big things. They are courageous, excited and make quick decision and work on it. They are quick. Speed is their power. Wide hands look at anything as a whole. But they can’t put their time into checking the detail of every single thing. They have more care for speed and how much time they can save. They would say, “Look! How fast I have done it.” But many times this speed reduces quality and makes them unsuitable for very fine things. Again, wide palms are seen more often in hands of people doing physical tasks. 1/18/2015 0 Comments Who Created Lines in Hand one may question how come these lines can tell so much about our life. For this we’ll have to understand how these lines are formed. There are many theories for that. For long time people kept on saying that these lines were written by God himself. This I don’t agree with and I have reasons to say that these lines are not written in the hands by God Almighty. Firstly, if they are written by God, why do they change? Frequently new lines appear in the hand, and a few others disappear. Does this mean that God forgot to draw a few lines, or later felt that He has made a few lines by mistake, so He removes them? As such, it is clear that God is not making these lines in our hands. Others (few physiologists and so called scientists) say that these lines are the result of the hand creases only. When a child is born, his fist remains closed so the lines in the hand are the result from that only. But again there is a problem. If these lines are the result of hand creases, then they should be the same in everyone’s hands and more over there should be only a few horizontal lines and no vertical lines. Besides, sometimes there are so many lines that it is not possible that they are formed by hand creases only.
The view that I find most logical and close to reality was given by Prof. Dayananda Verma. He says that these lines are formed by our subconscious brain. Whatever our subconscious thinks about us is recorded and these calculations of the brain are sent by electric signals to the whole of our body. They appear as lines in our hands, forehead and feet. In our other body parts, they also make individual differences. You can ask why few people have a certain color of eyes and certain types of nose and so on. As I discussed earlier, the same things that palmistry reveals can also be read from face reading and other branches of Samudrik Shastra; actually many people can do it very accurately even today. Now these calculations made by our subconscious are what our own mind knows about us. Sometimes what our mind says about us in our hand can be different from what we say about ourselves, or we may not want to accept it. The reason is that our subconscious looks at us as a third person unlike the conscious mind that always says I. So our subconscious can reveal negative characteristics such as being rude, cheating, selfishness, fraudulent ways and so on. It shows what it sees about us; in ancient times, people rightly said that hand is the mirror of human character. This actually explains why hands can accurately tell about past events. Our subconscious brain is a big computer that never forgets anything, so the events that were really important to us and made some influence are also recorded and become part of its calculations. These things can be seen in hands. But none can say what events will be considered important and be recorded. For example, if a person gets his first job and this person considers it to be a very important moment, then it will be marked in his hand, otherwise not. 1/18/2015 2 Comments Palmistry: An Ancient Wisdom Palmistry as most people understand it is the art of future telling. Without saying yes or no to this, I want to say that it has a lot more to offer than just fortune telling. But hearing future predictions is of course so attractive that this great science has become synonymous to future telling. Other less organized and less logical arts such as Tarot cards, coffee readings, intuitive readings, chakra readings are also compared with this greatly precise and organized art. Here many palmists also want to show some mysticism around their personality and don’t want to let people believe that this art can be learnt with a logical and reasonable mind. I read a book in which the author introduces palmistry by saying, ‘the mystery of palm that when solved can reveal all the secrets of life’. I’ll not make such big statements, it’s out of my reach but I can assure the readers that if they learn palmistry with a logical and reasonable mind, they can learn it with ease and will find it accurate and without any need of intuition, for this is a very logical and systematic art.
This art was born in India and initially it was only a small branch of quite a big subject named ‘Samudrik Shastra’. Here the word Samudra means body and Shastra means classic, so together it means a classic about body signs. This subject included the study of the whole body, its shape, various signs, moles, scars. This included the face reading, lines in the forehead, lines in feet and the palms and also body language. Here, hand reading was only a small part of this ancient system. Later it became difficult for a person to learn everything and people started to make progress in small branches of Samudrik Shastra. Some became good in hand reading, others in feet reading, few in face reading and yet fewer others in reading the lines of the forehead. Even today, we can find quite a few people good in other branches of Samudrik Shastra. These arts were commonly known as various systems for telling the future. This is the way these arts were advertised by most of their practitioners, and the common man looks at them with a mix of doubt and belief as they give an oil paper view to their past and future events. Among these systems hand reading being the most convenient, developed most. That’s why we see that palmistry is practiced extensively in all parts of the world. Interestingly, all of these branches of the ancient system of Samudrik Shastra point to the same thing about a person. So a person who goes to a hand reader, or to a forehead reader or to a face reader will get a similar interpretation. |
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