7/4/2023 0 Comments How to learn AstrologyIf you're interested in learning Vedic astrology, there are several avenues you can explore. Here are some options to consider:
1/4/2021 0 Comments First House of HoroscopeFirst house also tells the likings of the subject. The lord of the first house and planets sitting in first house aspect /or sits in to whichever house, the subject has a liking for the matters connecting to that house. If first house lord is sitting in first house itself then subject has quite attractive personality and likes the appreciation for his works. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 2nd house, the subject earns money and material things. He loves his family and tries to stay with them. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 3rd house then the subject loves his younger siblings. He is brave, intelligent and courageous with good communication skills. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 4th house then the subjects loves his mother very much and is quite sensitive and peace-loving. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 5th house, the subject is quite romantic. Otherwise he goes in love of God. He is creative and loves children in general. This subject doesn’t get diseases for long time. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 6th house, subject has a tendency to get health problems every now and then. His health is quite delicate. Many times lot of debt may occur on him.
If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 7th house then such an individual loves his spouse very deeply and tries very hard to keep him happy. He wants to have a good married life at all costs. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 8th house then the subject has a tendency to get some injuries and accidents again and again. He feels himself cheated and humiliated. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 9th house then the subject goes nicely with his father. He is a religious and ethical person. Mostly he gets good education and likes long travels. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 10th house, the subject is quite popular and well known. Career in politics or social work is quite possible. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 11th house then the subject has many friends and his most of the wishes are fulfilled easily. If first house lord / occupant planet aspects/connects to 12th house then subject lives in a different country or city and he feels himself alone and stranded. 12/29/2020 6 Comments Principles of Reading a HoroscopeRemember and use following principles in your readings of astrological horoscope. The most of these principles are the normal principles of our daily human behavior.
Planets move in the sky in their orbits around the Sun. Since this path of their movement is elliptical (not circular), so their distance from the Sun/earth also varies. In this movement when these planets are closest to earth/Sun they seem to be the most illuminated. This position of the planet is called exalted. Same way when the planet is at the farthest position from earth it seems to be the least illuminated. This position is called debilitated. Planets are at their strongest and most favorable positions when placed in their exaltation signs while in debilitation they are at their weakest and least favorable situation. Exaltation and debilitation sign of any planet is always opposite of each other (180 degree apart) as given in following table.
Traditional astrologers teach it in very entertaining manner:
2/27/2018 2 Comments Planetary Rulership7 out of the 9 planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu) possess the lordship of 12 signs in Vedic astrology. As the tradition says (for explaining in a simple manner) the Sun and the Moon being the king and queen of the planetary kingdom were the rulers of all the signs but for sake of administration they gave the lordship of 10 signs to 5 other planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu). The Moon and the Sun (queen and king) kept 4th (cancer) and 5th (Leo) sign for themselves respectively. And then rest 10 signs were distributed to planets in the order of their visit to the King and queen. Out of love the Moon and the Sun gave 3rd (Gemini) and 6th (Virgo) signs to mercury (the prince) their son. The Moon gave the Venus (the female priest) 2nd (Taurus) sign and then the Sun gave 7th (Libra). Same way Mars gets 1st (Aries) sign from the Moon and 8th (Scorpio) from the Sun. Jupiter the minister and the high priest gets 12th (Pisces) from the Moon and 9th (Sagittarius) sign from the Sun. Saturn the servant gets the 11th (Aquarius) from the Moon and 10th sign (Capricorn) from the Sun. This way all the signs are distributed among the 7 real planets. Rahu & Ketu were rewarded by allowing them to usurp the rulership of the sign in which they are placed. Rahu and Ktu in any sign behave like the sign lord themselves.
2/27/2018 2 Comments Personality of PlanetsLet’s understand the characteristics of these planets as they act according to their personalities. Once you understand them then you can easily understand how they give results in different houses. You can observe that the subject will have the most of the qualities of the planet that is ruling or sitting in the 1st house i.e. ascendant in his horoscope.
SunThe Sun has been conceptualized as king of the planets. This clearly means that the Sun should be understood to have the kingly ways. The Sun has dominance and ego of a king but the Sun is also protective of his people (friends and family members). Sun the king possesses leadership & desire to rule, management, an attractive personality, a royal nature, bravery, generosity, good intelligence, impressive authoritative voice, kindness of a father, heroism and fearlessness. Physically the Sun is described with a square build, strong bones, curly hair, lovely appearance, medium stature, bilious nature, firm temperament. It is logical to say that the Sun in any house will give the results according to its own personality. MoonThe Moon is described as the queen. So the Moon behaves like elderly women of high status. The Moon possesses the feminine qualities like vanity, kindness, affection, sensitivity, discriminating wisdom, restless nature, excessive sexual urge. But the Moon is not a young girl rather a wise elderly woman having the qualities of a mother so the Moon is also associated with motherly love. Moon is also associated with emotions, mind and mental peace. The Moon has a sweet and soft voice. Moon has a slim but roundish body, beautiful appearance, lovely eyes, sweet tongue, phlegm and wind in his composition, white complexion, short curly hair, amiable nature, Satwik inclination. Again it is logical to say that the Moon in any house will give the results according to its own personality. MarsMars is the army commander so it possesses the characteristics of the same. Mars has the leadership with dominance, cruelty, a fierceness and aggression, desire to compete and win, possessive nature, manhood, sexual aggression, impatience and irritable nature. The voice of Mars is rude and full of audacity. Physiologically Mars is characterized by fierce eyes, short stature, athletic and youthful body, fickle disposition, curly hair, valorous nature, Tamasik inclination, readiness to hurt, irritability, bilious nature and fair complexion. Once again we understand that Mars in any house will give the results according to its own personality. MercuryMercury the little prince is chatty with sweet voice and humor. Mercury the teenage prince has intelligence, logical & reasoning capacity, an inquisitive brain, jolly nature, naughty childish ways, instable but stubborn mind, desire of change & novelty and a capacity to play with words. Mercury has a slim and beautiful body, large eyes, beautiful young skin, medium height, Rajasik inclination, plenty of energy, bile, wind and phlegm in his composition. Once more Mercury in any house will give the results according to its own personality. JupiterJupiter is described to have the personality of a minister or high priest with virtuous disposition. The high priest Jupiter is wise, knowledgeable, noble, distinctly intelligent, highly educated, rational and logical planet. Jupiter is also just, true, spiritual, calm and helpful being with keenness in religious practices and forgiving nature with a measured speech. Physiologically Jupiter is described to possess a big belly and a fat body, phlegmatic and calm temperament, Satwik inclination. Needless to say that Jupiter in any house will give the results according to its own personality. VenusThe Venus is thought to possess the female characteristics. But unlike the Moon the Venus is the younger woman. So it possesses also the characteristics like attraction for opposite sex, lust, sensuality, desires for beautiful things that attract, aesthetic sense and all sorts of material pleasures. The social status of Venus is the same as that of Jupiter but while Jupiter is responsible for external affairs of kingdom (life) the Venus entrusted with the duties of palace (home). Venus also is associated with high education, creativity, writing of poetry, a musical voice, wisdom and intelligence and religious things but unlike Jupiter Venus is not that much of noble character. Physiologically the Venus is very beautiful/handsome, of symmetrical limbs and dark curly hair, and has an amorous disposition. He has excessive seminal fluid, windy and phlegmatic temperament, Rajasik inclination, grace, vigor, and multi-colored robes. Venus in any house will give the results according to its own nature. SaturnSaturn has been conceptualized as the old servant (with only one leg) of the family. Thus Saturn is described with the qualities like responsibility, discipline but slow and fussy movements because of old age (lazy disposition), miser, cruelty, very thoughtful nature and detachment. The voice of Saturn is harsh. Saturn has a tall, lean and weak body, stiff hair and limbs, large teeth, windy temperament, Tamasik inclination. Once more Saturn in any house will give the results according to its own personality. Rahu/KetuRahu (& Ketu) is the soldier (lowest and meanest) in planets’ family. So Rahu (& Ketu) has characteristics of aggression, anger, sudden disruption, mean behavior, intelligence, lust and all sorts of addictions. Rahu and Ketu are also described to be a shadow planet so Rahu/Ketu acts like the planet that is conjuct, aspecting with Rahu, or if nothing then Rahu (& Ketu) behaves as the shadow of its sign lord. Rahu gives the result of those planets but in an abrupt and extreme manner; that is the peculiarity of Rahu (& Ketu). Rahu (& Ketu) has an artificial behaviour in all respects including the voice yet it tries to imitate. Physical properties of Rahu/Ketu are the same that of the planet imitated by them. Rahu/Ketu in any house also give the results according to their own nature. 3/28/2015 1 Comment The Twelve Houses The twelve houses of a horoscope deal with all conceivable aspects of life. The most important of all houses is the Ascendant or the first house. The functions of all 12 houses are explained below.
1st house (Ascendant) 1st house is also called ascendant. It shows personality of the subject, his ego – one’s self, body, general prosperity, health and well being, basic self expression, physical constitution and appearance. 2nd house (Possessions) The 2nd house is associated with money, possessions, family, speech, youth, financial success (or not). This house also shows our tastes, food, art, poetry, capacity to communicate. 3rd house (Siblings) 3rd house is also called as the house of siblings. It is associated with courage, brother, friends, motivation, interest basic life energy, impulses and intention that drives us. All legal matters, like will, contracts, agreement, ambition, passion, zeal, rashness impulsiveness main interests, sport, hobbies, small journey. 4th house (Happiness) 4th house is also called the house of happiness and mother. This house is associated with emotion, happiness, mental peace, education, mother, land acquisition, property and vehicles. 5th house (Children) 5th house is the house of creativity. Basic creativity i.e. children and higher creativity i.e. creativity in arts. It is also associated with knowledge, speculation, romance, past life credit, games, spiritual interest. 6th house (House of enemies) 6th house is connected with enemies. Real enemies and diseases both. Then with job, effort, resistance to illness, immune system. This house tells one’s capacity to do hard labor and hence overcome physical obstacles / enemies. 7th house (Spouse) 7th house tells long term romantic relationships, marriage, spouse, general relations with others, business associates. Being opposite the ascendant, it shows that to which we are most drawn and most challenged to learn. 8th house (Death) The 8th house called house of death and accidents. It also tells longevity, research, destruction / regeneration of any sort. The 8th house is also associated with any sort of accident, illness or loss. 9th house (Father and Fortune) 9th house tells about father and fortune. Religion, spiritual things and ethics. Besides it grace, dharma (life purpose) higher education, research, books writing, long journey. 10th house (Karma or profession) House of profession i.e. 10th house is associated with professional areas and achievement. This house tells about social status, material achievement, skill, success, career in politics, popularity etc. 11th house (Benefits / Wish fulfillments) – 11th house tells about the wish fulfillment of any types. Any planet in 11th house tells the fulfillment of wishes associated with the planet this house is also associated with aspirations and goals, financial and material gains, friendship, abundance and excess. 12th house (House of expanses) 12th house is associated with the expenditures of any kind and loss, any long trips like foreign journeys, solitudes, losses, hospitalization. It is responsible for making the individual negatively affected by adversity and sorrows. With these bad things 12th house is also associated with enlightenment. 3/28/2015 14 Comments Astrology Meaning![]() Astrology is the study and interpretation of the effects of planets in the sky at the time of birth. Here we are learning the Indian astrology and few of you who had previous study of western astrology may find it a bit different. Indian astrology is more precise and is based on sound scientific and mathematical principles. For learning the astrology you need to understand few simple terms used again and again in astrology. Keep your horoscope ready with you. For following this book the Vedic horoscope (only) will be needed. You can create your horoscope free of cost from many thousands of free online applications and software on internet. You can get your horoscope from www.mykundali.com. For starting, use only Lagna Chart. This is very simple to create your horoscope and if you want you can download many other programs free of cost. Now enter your name, date of birth, time and place and get your horoscope. Be sure to select the north Indian horoscope. It is simpler. Now come on the page where you see the horoscope. Don’t be confused by seeing many different charts and stay on the main horoscope (Lagna Horoscope) only. It will look something as given below. Here you can see that the big square is distributed in 12 parts and there are numbers written from 1-12 in all the 12 parts. These numbers denote the signs or zodiac signs (also called rashi). These signs are from Aries to Pisces and most of you might have heard about them. Any way below is a brief description of the signs telling what they really are. Keep your horoscope with you and we will come back to it for discussing other aspects of it and what else it has. Astrology means ‘Jyotish’ in Hindi which means a flame or torch. A torch that shows the light. So it means that Jyotish i.e. astrology shows the light to the confused and lost people or to anybody else who seeks some guidance. Astrology in India was never thought to be a subject of fun or only a subject for making money by telling the fortune of people. Rather it was always taken with lot of respect and the most gifted and intelligent people were asked to learn it and practice it. We say it in India that Astrology is only for intelligent people and if one is not intelligent then either he will run away from it or with the time he’ll become intelligent.
The present blog is a concise effort that gives the first few lessons of Indian Astrology. Indian astrology is known for its rich tradition of knowledge and accurate predictions. There are thousand many books available on various systems of astrology in the market. But there is no single book that is helpful for the new learner. Most of the astrology books directly tell the hundreds of the combinations or Yogas without explaining the rule behind them. The reader can remember them but can’t learn the logic behind it. So he fails to learn astrology itself unless by some grace of God or with the help of some teacher he comes to know the principles behind those Yogas. This small book offers the basic but systematic presentation of astrological principles used in interpretation. These principles are easy to follow and learn. After reading and practicing on few charts the reader should be able to read the horoscope of everyone with great success. Of-course a lot more advance study and experience will be required for the thorough knowledge. |
AuthorHi my name is Dr. Gaurav Agrawal. I am the instructor of palmistry and astrology at Indian Palmistry Institute. This blog is the free learning resource for those who are interested. Here i will also share my own personal findings about palmistry. Comments are welcome and appreciated. Archives
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